Sunday, June 20, 2010

Episode 7

On our needles:
Shell Baby Afghan - Finished!
Groovy Socks - only half a sock to go
dishcloth (May 2010 KAL from Rachel's Knitting Room - a Yahoo group)
knit change purse

Wool website

Movie Review
Princess and the Frog - we both liked it
Nine - Syd saw this, it was just ok
Smile - Arlene saw, thought it was a movie worth checking out

Book Review
Haunting of Hill House - Syd's review: This is a rather slow moving book, but the excitement is building up in the end

Life as a Nuurdy Girl - worth checking out

Rachel's Knitting Room - a Yahoo group
Call your favorite local pizza place and order away!

Syd's car did get filled up with gas! She was even given money with a "PLEASE go get your car washed!" to go with it.

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